Analyte Cat. No. Analyte Significance Advantages of Megazyme Test Kits
α-Amylase K-AMYLSD




A key indicator of malt quality.
An endo-acting enzyme that hydrolyses
α-1,4 glucose linkages in starch.
Responsible for releasing fermentable
sugars from starch during the mashing
phase of wort production.
Novel method. Defined substrate. High sensitivity.
Automated method
Novel assays employing a defined oligosaccharide substrate
Ceralpha Method: AOAC Method 2002.01; AACC Method 22-02.01; ICC Standard Method no. 303;
RACI Standard Method; CCFRA Flour Testing
Working Group Method 0018Widely used in automated procedures for the measurement of α-amylase particularly with Scalar CFA equipmentNovel procedure. Rapid reaction, stable reagent.
Suitable for the measurement of α-amylase in sprouted barley grains
β-Amylase K-BETA3 A key indicator of malt quality.
An exo-acting enzyme that cleaves
maltose units from the non-reducing end
of dextrins & starch fragments.
Responsible for releasing fermentable
sugars from starch during the mashing
phase of wort production.
Only kit available. Stable reagents; RACI Standard Method
Malt Amylase K-MALTA Measurement of α-amylase & β-amylase.
Key indicators of malt quality.
Responsible for releasing fermentable
sugars from starch during the mashing
phase of wort production.
Combination of both K-CERA and K-BETA3 assays
β-Glucan (Barley and oats) K-BGLU The major polysaccharide of the cell
walls of endosperm in barley & oat grains.
A high level of β-glucan is associated with
undesirable high viscosity worts.
Rapid reaction, stable reagents, only enzymatic kit available. AOAC Method 995.16; AACC Method 32-23.01; ICC Standard Method No. 166; RACI
Standard Method
β-Glucanase K-MBGLK-MBG4


A key enzyme in the hydrolysis of
β-glucans during malting & mashing
Supplementation of β-glucanase may be
applied at the mashing phase.
A high level of β-glucan is associated with undesirable high viscosity worts.
Novel method. Defined substrate. High sensitivity.
Automated methodRapid reaction, stable reagents,
RACI Standard MethodNovel substrate. Rapid reaction, stable reagent;
RACI Standard Method
D-Glucose K-GLUC


A major fermentable sugar in wort, also
present as maltose & limit dextrins. It is
essential in supporting growth of yeast
during fermentation
Rapid reaction, stable reagents
Limit-Dextrinase / Pullanase L-LDZ


A key enzyme in hydrolysis of α-1,6
glucosyl linkages in starch & branched
Used as a supplement for production of
highly fermentable worts.
Novel substrate. Rapid reaction, stable reagent;
RACI Standard MethodNovel assay employing a defined oligosaccharide
substrate. High sensitivity & specificity. Stable
reagents. Automated method
Primary Amino Nitrogen
K-PANOPA A key indicator of malt & wort quality.
Free amino acids & short polypeptides
are the major source of free amino
nitrogen (FAN) in worts. FAN is essential
in supporting growth of yeast during
Novel procedure. Rapid reaction, stable reagents
Total Starch K-TSTA


Starch is the major storage carbohydrate
source in cereal grains. Gelatenisation &
enzymatic hydrolysis of starch is essential
for releasing fermentable sugars &
occurs during the mashing phase of wort
Rapid assay formats with options of measuring D-glucose with GOPOD reagent or with hexokinase / G-6-PDH. Stable reagents. AOAC
Method 996.11; AACC Method 76-13.01; ICC Method No. 168; RACI Standard Method
endo-β-Xylanase T-XAX A key enzyme in hydrolysis of malt xylans. Novel method. Defined substrate. High sensitivity.
Automated methodNovel substrate. Rapid reaction, stable reagent
Analyte Cat. No. Analyte Significance Advantages of Megazyme Test Kits
Acetaldehyde K-ACHYD One of the most important aroma compounds in yogurt, responsible for the characteristic taste. Also formed in milk during storage AlDH supplied as a stabilised solution rather than a lyophilised powder, thus less wasted enzyme, stable reagents
Acetic Acid K-ACET
Fermentation product of yogurt and cheese All kits contain PVP to prevent tannin inhibition.
K-ACET (manual, efficient) contains stable ACS suspension.
K-ACETAF (auto) used to prepare very stable R1 and R2.
K-ACETAK (auto) / K-ACETRM (manual) are very rapid
acetate kinase (AK) based kits with excellent linearity.
K-ACETGK is a new rapid, auto-analyser assay kit
employing AK and phosphotransacetylase. Stable reagents
Ammonia K-AMIAR Important indicator of the hygienic quality (microbial load) of milk K-AMIAR has a very rapid reaction rate (~ 3 min at room temperature). Ideal for manual and auto-analyser applications, stable reagents
L-Ascorbic Acid K-ASCO Antioxidant present in dairy products. Permitted additive Rapid reaction, stable reagents
Aspartame K-ASPTM Common milkshake and yogurt sweetener Rapid reaction, stable reagents, only enzymatic kit available
Citric Acid K-CITR Important quality indicator of milk, especially for butter and cheese production. Permitted additive Ideal for both manual and auto-analyser applications. Reconstituted citrate lyase stable for > 6 months at -20°C, stable reagents
Ethanol K-ETOH Produced during the fermentation of kefir Rapid reaction, stable reagents (AlDH supplied as a stable suspension)
Formic Acid K-FORM Minor acid in dairy products FDH supplied as a stabilised suspension rather than a lyophilised powder, thus less wasted enzyme, stable reagents
D-Fructose / D-Glucose K-FRUGL
Common milkshake and yogurt sweetener Rapid reaction times, choice of simple formats available, ideal for manual and auto-analyser applications, stable reagents
D-Gluconic Acid K-GATE Weak organic acid found in dairy products. High levels found in certain cheeses Rapid reaction, stable reagents
D-Glucose K-GLUC
Low levels expected in unprocessed / unadulterated milk and in cheese. Useful marker when producing lactose depleted dairy products Choice of simple formats available, based either on glucose oxidase / peroxidase, or hexokinase / G-6-PDH, stable reagents
L-Glutamic Acid K-GLUT Found in high concentrations, especially in cheese No wasted diaphorase solution (stable suspension supplied), stable reagents
D-Lactic Acid K-DATE Quality indicator of milk, yogurt and cheese Rapid reaction, stable reagents
L-Lactic Acid K-LATE Quality indicator of fresh milk.
High levels in yogurt and cheese
Rapid reaction, stable reagents. Ideal for manual and auto-analyser applications
D-/L-Lactic Acid K-DLATE Quality indicator of fresh milk, yogurt and cheese Rapid reaction, flexible concurrent format, stable reagents
Lactose K-LOLAC Key quality (value) indicator of milk A rapid, novel and sequential measurement of free-glucose and lactose in conventional, low-lactose and lactose-free dairy products
Lactose / D-Galactose K-LACGAR Key quality (value) indicator of milk Very rapid reaction (~ 5 min even at room temperature), stable reagents
Protein Digestibility K-PDCAAS The PDCAAS (ASAP-Quality Score) Method is a measure of protein quality U.S. Pat. No. 9,738,920. Control samples included. ASAP-Quality Score offers: Animal free. High correlation to rat digestibility. Much less expensive than rat model. Faster turnaround time for results
D-Sorbitol / Xylitol K-SORB Dairy product sweetener No wasted diaphorase solution (stable suspension supplied), stable reagents
Succinic Acid K-SUCC Minor dairy acid Rapid reaction (~ 6 min even at room temperature), stable reagents
Sucrose K-SUFRG
Not present naturally in dairy products Choice of simple formats available, based either on glucose oxidase / peroxidase, or hexokinase / G-6-PDH, stable reagents
Urea K-URAMR Quality indicator of milk, especially that used for cheese production. Used as a metabolic marker of bovine blood urea levels Simple, very rapid (both urea and ammonia measured in < 10 min at room temperature) and sequential / efficient (only one cuvette required per sample)
Analyte Cat. No. Analyte Significance Advantages of Megazyme Test Kits
Acetaldehyde K-ACHYD A sensory compound that adds flavour and complexity, but spoils wine at high concentrations AcDH supplied as a stabilised solution rather than a lyophilised powder, thus less wasted enzyme
Acetic Acid K-ACET
A sensory compound that adds flavour and complexity in small amounts, but spoils wine at high concentrations. Produced naturally by yeast in small amounts and by spoilage organisms such as Acetobacter aceti in large quantities. This is the predominant of the acids comprising ~ 85 % volatile acidity (VA) All kits contain PVP to prevent tannin inhibition.
K-ACET (manual, efficient) contains stable ACS suspension.
K-ACETAF (auto) used to prepare very stable R1 and R2.
K-ACETAK (auto) / K-ACETRM (manual) are very rapid
acetate kinase (AK) based kits with excellent linearity.
K-ACETGK is a new rapid, auto-analyser assay kit
employing AK and phosphotransacetylase. Stable reagents
Ammonia K-AMIAR
Most important inorganic source of Yeast Available Nitrogen (YAN) Novel enzyme employed is not inhibited by tannins, endpoint reaction time ~ 3 min. Ideal for manual and auto-analyser applications
L-Arginine K-LARGE Most important amino acid in grape juice with respect to YAN Simple and rapid test kit gives sequential values for ammonia, urea and L-arginine. No tannin inhibition
L-Ascorbic Acid K-ASCO Present naturally in grapes and can be added as an anti-oxidant Rapid reaction, stable reagents
Citric Acid K-CITR Naturally present in small amounts; large amounts indicate addition for acidification (EU limit is 1 g/L) Ideal for both manual and auto-analyser applications. Reconstituted citrate lyase stable for > 6 months at -20°C. Stable reagents
Ethanol K-ETOH Produced during alcoholic fermentation. Amounts > 17.5 % (v/v) indicate supplementation Rapid reaction, stable reagents (AlDH supplied as a stable suspension)
D-Fructose /


Grape quality indicator. One of the two principle fermentable sugars of grape juice Contains PVP to prevent tannin inhibition. Ideal for manual and auto-analyser use. Stable reagents
D-Gluconic Acid K-GATE Grape quality indicator for the production of certain wines Rapid reaction, stable reagents
Glycerol K-GCROL
Quality indicator of finished wine, important for “mouth feel” Novel tablet format offers superior stability, rapid reaction
D-Lactic Acid K-DATE
Produced predominantly by lactic acid spoilage bacteria Rapid reaction, stable reagents
L-Lactic Acid K-LATE
Produced predominantly from L-malic acid during malolactic fermentation Rapid reaction, stable reagents. Ideal for manual and auto-analyser applications
D-Malic Acid K-DMAL Only present in significant quantities in adulterated wine D-MDH supplied as a stabilised suspension rather than a lyophilised powder, thus less wasted enzyme
L-Malic Acid K-LMAL
Grape quality indicator. Very important grape acid, converted to less acidic L-lactic acid during malolactic fermentation All kits contain PVP to prevent tannin inhibition.
1. K-LMALR/L (manual) rapid reaction
2. K-LMALAF (auto) rapid reaction, excellent linearity
3. K-LMALMQ (manual, colorimeter based)
4. K-LMALQR (auto) liquid ready reagent
Primary Amino Nitrogen (NOPA) K-PANOPA Primary amino nitrogen (PAN) is the most important organic source of YAN Novel kit, rapid reaction, stable reagents, simple format
D-Sorbitol K-SORB High levels indicate addition of fruit Diaphorase supplied as a stabilised suspension rather than a lyophilised powder, thus less wasted enzyme
Succinic Acid K-SUCC Wine acid produced during fermentation Rapid reaction (~ 6 min even at room temperature), stable reagents
Sucrose K-SUFRG
Added to increase the amount of alcohol. Use only permitted in certain situations Choice of simple formats available, based either on glucose oxidase / peroxidase, or hexokinase / G-6-PDH
Sulphite K-SULPH
Sulphites are used as an essential additive in the control of microbial contamination during aging and to also protect the wine against detrimental “oxidative and enzymatic browning” Choice of simple formats available, based either on liquid ready reagent chemical reactions (K-SULPH, K-FSULPH & K-TSULPH) or an enzymatic reaction (K-ETSULPH). Stable reagents
Tartaric Acid K-TART Occurs naturally in grapes and is one of the most prevalent organic acids. Key indicator of total (titratable) acidity (TA) Stable liquid ready reagents. Simple, rapid chemical reaction for manual, auto-analyser and microplate formats
Urea K-URAMR Source of YAN and precursor of the carcinogen ethyl carbamate. Over-supplementation with DAP can result in elevated levels Simple, very rapid (both urea and ammonia measured in < 10 min at room temperature) and sequential / efficient (only one cuvette required per sample)


As a global leader in the measurement of enzymes, polysaccharides and sugars, Megazyme has a strong track record of innovation and customer engagement in the food industry.

What are you trying to measure? Discover what we offer for each analyte.

You can navigate our product range by selecting an analyte above. Alternatively, click ‘View all products in this industry’ to access our full product range for Food.

Our Customers

Our expertise in carbohydrate and enzyme analysis allows Megazyme to serve some of the biggest names in the business.

Focus areas within the food industry include products to measure:

  • enzymes involved in cereal processing.
  • carbohydrate content (including dietary fiber) in food products.
  • active ingredients in nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals, e.g. β-glucan derived from medicinal mushrooms.
  • sugars including glucose, lactose and trehalose.

Megazyme works with clients of all degree of size to help address their analytical challenges.

Cereals & Dietary Fiber

As a global leader in the measurement of dietary fiber and starch, Megazyme has been at the forefront of innovation in Dietary Fiber analysis for over 30 years.

As the experts in dietary fiber, we have created the Dietary Fiber Portal to offer you the latest information on dietary fiber methods of analysis, regulations, and its relevance to human health.

In the search for the most accurate dietary fiber methodology possible, Megazyme has developed three AOAC standard methods (2009.01, 2011.25 and 2017.16), but our catalogue also supports laboratories that opt to use older standards such as AOAC 985.19/991.43 or 2001.03. Megazyme has also developed methods for the analysis of a wide range of dietary fiber components including β-glucan (AOAC 995.16), resistant starch (2002.02) and fructan/FOS (999.03).

What are you trying to measure? Discover what we offer for each analyte.

You can navigate our product range by selecting an analyte above. Alternatively, click ‘View all products in this industry’ to access our full product range for Cereals and Dietary Fiber.

Our Customers

Serving analysts around the world, we understand the need for high-quality products that complement existing standard methods for dietary fiber and its components – not only AOAC and ICC international standards, but also methods approved in domestic markets such as China’s GB Standards for fructan and polydextrose.

  • Analytical assay kits designed for use with all mainstream total dietary fiber methodologies.
  • Novel assay kits for accurate analysis of dietary fiber components, such as β-glucan, resistant starch and fructan.
  • Ultra-pure enzymes ideal for use in quality control and ingredient analysis using recognised methods for dietary fiber and its components.


Megazyme’s high-purity enzymes and cutting-edge assay kits are perfect for biorefineries of all generations wishing to monitor and optimise their processes.

What are you trying to measure? Discover what we offer for each analyte.

You can navigate our product range by selecting an analyte above. Alternatively, click ‘View all products in this industry’ to access our full product range for Biofuels.